Try to remove all cards by combining 2 cards to a total value of 13. A king is 13 points and can be removed on its own, a queen is 12 points, a jack is 11 points and an ace is 1 point.
Create horizontal, vertical or diagonal lines with the lines on the falling blocks. Create lines of 3 or more in length to remove them. Remove as many lines as the indicated goal to advance to the next level. Touch a block to rotate it, touch a column to move the block and swipe [...]
Daily Kakurasu puzzles in different sizes. Mark squares and add up the numbers of the marked squares to the numbers on the right and bottom of the grid.
Push and remove balls in this puzzle games. Click on the arrows to shoot a ball on the grid, a group of 4 or more of the same ball is removed. Remove all colored backgrounds.
A Pyramid Solitaire game for Valentine. Combine 2 free cards to a total value of 13. Value of the cards is the face value and a J=11, Q=12, A=1; the K=13 and can be removed as a single card.