Everyday 4 new Sudoku puzzles and an archive of a month. Solve the puzzles using the Sudoku rules. Every number of 1-9 can only occur once in every row, column and 9x9 box.
Daily Kaodoku puzzles in 4 difficulty degrees. Solve this Sudoku like game. Instead of numbers in the Sudoku game, this game contains smileys. Every smiley has three possible mouths and three possible shapes creating nine different combinations. Every unique smilly can only appea [...]
Play Killer Sudoku or Sumdoku. Fill the grid with the numbers 1 to 9, such that each row, column and box contains each number only once. Additionally, a Killer Sudoku grid is divided into cages, each cage has its own background color. The values of the cells in a cage must sum up [...]
Connect all the islands with a network of bridges using the given numbers. Create as many bridges to/from an island as is indicated. Two islands can be connected with each other only vertically or horizontally and with no more then 2 bridges.